Sunday, May 12, 2019

It's not too late

Just get up
It's not too late to read, to write
or to right some wrongs
to sing some songs

there's still time, you still have it
so get up- it's not too late to walk, to run, to play,
or to breathe in that yogic way
this moment will be lost- just grab it

It's not too late to talk to old friends,
make amends
to start a new trend,
to make new habits and shed old ones

It's not too late to be better,
to be a go-getter;
to be kinder, gentler and compassionate
it's too early to succumb to your fate

It's not too late to cherish
the time you have with your loved ones,
not too late to hug,  to smile and be like how you were once

It's never too late for some inspiration,
for some motivation to move up from where you are
start something new or do some good at where you are.

It's important to know that every moment is a gift,
Relax, sleep, feel good and get up
every breath you draw is an opportunity too
It's never too late to just- Do. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Well Written
Too Much Relative