Sunday, March 5, 2017

Lifecycle of a Social Butterfly

'Phulpakhru' - A free beautiful butterfly, fluttering its delicate feathers in the wind, going from one colorful flowers to the next,  in its own rhythm. This is the exact life of children. Free and Happy.

As we grow up, we cocoon ourselves, our wings weary and weak- enter into our own worlds. Busy with our own lives, we do not have the patience, energy or inclination to go from one flower to the other- losing the rhythm we had with nature. We are wrapped in our own frequency of our own world and actions around us.

And then we get old enough. We chew those carefully constructed barriers away and no one can even recognise us as the same colorful free butterfly that glided from one flower to the other with such agility.

We are not in our cocoon anymore. We can once again see the world loud and clear. With world wise eyes, we see every one bustling away to their businesses, colorful butterflies onto their adventures and we chew. Chew on the leaves. The nectar of flowers is not for us anymore. We wait for people to approach us rather than flitting like a social butterfly from one to the other. And when they come, we nurture them with the stories and wisdom we need to pass before we go.

And then when the time comes- we zero in ourselves- withdraw into an egg, waiting to be a vivid colorful butterfly again.

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